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Returning to one of the core elements of the discipline, the discovery class is designed to nurture the fabled "Parkour Vision" and develop the skill of self-challenge. Led by Andy Pearson and myself, this class is structured in an alternative way to traditional parkour classes and will focus upon the following aspects:

  • Investigate the environment at specific locations around London and develop the ability to recognise potential challenges for yourself and others.

  • Embrace the spirit of challenge and evolve your ability to overcome fear.

  • Advance your ability to block out external pressures, the urge for destructive self-comparisons and advance the spirit of group collaboration.

Please note the class:

  • Will change locations around London every month or two.

  • There is a limit of 10 students per class.

  • The class must be booked and paid online. No cash payments.

  • 24hr cancellation policy - must give 24hours notice, otherwise, payment is forfeit.


Example Class:

Find a personal challenge. The discovery class is less to do with conditioning and drilling techniques, but rather, finding a personal challenge that is at your own honest ability level. The coaches are there to help you understand how to challenge yourself correctly and provide feedback on how to take it further without increasing risk or danger.

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